Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gratitude - Part 2

Buying teacher gifts has been an important part of our Christmas shopping since Julia started preschool 11 years ago.  (No worries...she did graduate and move on....)

And, for Viv, it is simply not acceptable for me to go out and buy something.  SHE needs to pick something out, which I think is very cool.

We had two try and fail shopping attempts over the weekend, with the fails being a seizure in the parking lot before we even got into the store and then a "blip" seizure (as we call them) while in the store.  Gladly, today we made it through.

That's part of my gratitude feeling for today.  But the biggest part is in the realization of just how many people we want to especially thank at her school this Christmas.  Most kids buy 1 or 2 gifts.  We needed 12.  Yes, 12.  And this is just for the people who help Vivian on a daily or weekly basis.  And this doesn't even count the librarian, gym teacher, music teacher, or art teacher.

While I wish that Vivian didn't need assistance from so many people, wow am I glad that each and every one of these people are in our lives.

Big-time gratitude.

And this is where I wish I was rich and could send each and every one of them on a fabulous Caribbean vacation for a week as a gift, because they deserve even more than that.

But instead, most will simply receive my heartfelt thanks and small token of appreciation, and the three people most close to Viv will receive something specially picked out by her.  Which I actually approved of and didn't have to use any of my power of persuasion for. 

So, God, I've been trying to say thank you more and realize the blessings we have in our lives.  Today, I say thank you for the angels at Rothschild Elementary.  And if they could just create a 6th grade at the school before next year, that would be great.

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