Monday, December 5, 2011


I’m very nostalgic.  Those of you who know me well are probably saying “No shit” right about now.  (Hey, it’s my blog and I’ll swear if I want to.)  (Feel free to sing along.)

And the perfect time for nostalgia?  Christmas.  I just started pulling out some of the Christmas décor and happened upon a candle that I took, I mean that my mom gave me, some time ago that was in our house growing up for as long as I remember.  It’s a frosted glass pillar holder with a country Christmas scene.  I guard that thing with my life.  I don’t know how old it is, who my mom got it from, or anything about it, but I know that it symbolizes Christmas for me, and for that reason, I hold it very dear.
Another nostalgic moment….a couple months ago, I was at Hallmark staring at this years’ commemorative ornaments and they had a – YES! – a Fisher Price tick-tock clock.  And they only had one left.  I love the tick tock clock so much that I bought a plastic replica from Target last year since my mom will not give me the wooden original she has because it’s apparently my brother’s.  Yeah right.  Even if it is his, who loves it more?  Huh?  Me.  (Deep breath…)  Anyway…I call my mom all in a flutter because there’s just ONE left and I have every intention of buying it so she can give it to me.  As I finish telling her all about this find of the century she simply tells me “Well, if you buy it, you’ll have two, because I already bought it for you.”  (As an aside, now my brother wants one.  And they’re out of stock.  Everywhere in the state.  Ha – too bad Jason. Although my mom does have plans to go to the Rothschild Hallmark on the day they sell the display.  Little does she know that I’ll be getting there first.)
OK, so I’m also possessive about my nostalgia.
The big nostalgia moment of Christmas, though, will come next weekend with the Christmas tree.  You think I’m neurotic now, you should come Christmas tree shopping with me!  But you can’t deny that I chose a legendary tree every year…and someday when I have vaulted ceilings in my home it’ll be even more fun.  But neurosis aside, my favorite thing about the tree will be all of the ornaments that go on it.  Just about every ornament that goes on our tree has a story.  The pregnant kangaroo for the Christmas we were expecting Julia.  Vivi’s silver cup ornament for the year she was born.  Julia’s fairy ornament with the glowing icicle. The wooden reindeer ornament that’s now missing a leg and has many bite marks (thank you, Harvey).  Many, many dough ornaments with (at first) two names…then three…then four.  The Packer and Bear ornaments that the kids (and I) always put on the back of the tree.  And the list goes on.  It takes a looooong time to decorate the tree because the girls and I relive memories with every one.  (Mike does the lights and then makes excuses to leave the room while we do this.)
OK, I just read what I wrote up until this point, and apparently I am a nut job.  Perhaps, but I’m a well-intentioned, nostalgic nut job. 
And I’m OK with that.

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